A Dead Hero Walking Reveals_ _ _
A Secret Cure For Smoking That Works Permanently, Without Expensive Chemical Drugs , The Short Fuse Of Pep Seminars That Fall Into Psychological Ruts, And No 'Cold Turkey' Withdrawal Pangs ............In 7 Days Flat
You will never believe it that I did it myself. I actually stopped smoking 10 years ago with the exact same method in my permanent solution to the smoking habit.
Find a valid reason to stop smoking. It could be for your family's well being. It could be to for the delicate health of a newborn infant son. It could be for your own good health or to stop making the tobacco moguls richer.
Even if – You tried to quit a dozen times before but fell back
to the habit with the tension on the job or at home
Even if – You tried nicotine patches, gums, and other aids which
did nothing but upset your emotional balance
Even if – You live in dread of the next 'stop smoking' quack program hyped on TV or emailed to you as pesky spam.
Dear Friend,
Smoking is a health hazard not only to you who inhale it but also to the people around you. The nicotine tar sticks to your lungs, mouth, larynx, and teeth.
This leaves a blackish spotting and a yellowish tint. Your smile is definitely marred when your teeth become blemished.
The bystanders close to you or around you become passive smokers and sufferers. They don't get tarred inside like you but suffer the same bad effects on health that smoking brings.
The cigarette smoke drifts to the air they breathe and makes them candidates for the same danger of cancer.
Nicotine is highly addictive like opium and cocaine. The only difference is that you get it in small doses and in gradual amounts while lighting up cigarettes.
The psychological and hormonal disturbances in the body common to addiction show up the same way with nicotine.
The high feeling or releasing of tension coming from smoking is due to the impact of nicotine on the central nervous system, the pleasure part of the brain, and on the secretion of hormones.
As soon as it wears off, it is replaced by a craving. The smoker reaches for another cigarette until the gaps in between smokes get narrower. This is the beginning of what is called chain smoking
Group sessions like alcoholics anonymous try to lick dependency by giving a shoulder to lean on. The buddy system could work like an emotional crutch for smoking dependency as well. The problem with such group actions is that they don't go to the psychological root of the problem in a bid to stifle and build on them.
Spiritual exercises, mental healing, psychological introspections, psychiatric sessions, and motivational seminars attempt to dig deep into the smoker's psyche to probe the underlying causes of smoke addiction.
They fall short in the tracking and follow up of the resolve to quit smoking. Their leaning to the psychological fails to deal with nicotine as a chemical substance that lights the fuse of addiction that soon after gets snagged in the sticky web of nervous disorders .
The permanent cure for smoking addiction which I devised is so simple and so practical to do it by yourself at home. It is not expensive and does not involve costly psychiatric consultation or exotic drug novelty items.
I merely recalled the steps I took to cure my own smoking addiction permanently 10 years ago. I organized it and compiled it to make it available to a wide sector at a very affordable almost ridiculous price less than a new pair of pants.
You are free to circulate your copy once you receive it. I really don't care about royalties that much. Remember I turned fugitive from the gigantic Tobacco lobby for noble reasons higher than fame and fortune.