beautifies skin and strengthens heart…
Almond oil is derived from almonds. It is used in beauty products for the skin. The best benefit for the skin comes from almond oil’s natural cleansing action.Almond oil provides moisture to the skin that cleans the pores. The moisture is just one of the benefits of almond oil.
Almond effect on bad cholesterol helps beauty too. Cholesterol crusting on the inside walls of the veins and the skin result in thick and porous skin. Almonds reduce LDL cholesterol which harden as cholesterol deposit in the body.
Generally a good cholesterol equipped body is slim and fit. Beautiful skin comes natural with physical fitness and good health.
tests show almonds lower cholesterol in the body…
A handful of almonds is about 23 kernels. Such a serving can bring down bad cholesterol, the bad kind by 4.4% from baseline. Taking a double serving can reduce it by 9.4% without increase in weight.
A high almond diet does better to lower cholesterol than a low almond diet or the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Diet 1 (7% of calories derived from saturated fat, 200 mg cholesterol). The high almond diet lowered the LDL cholesterol by 9%. It reduced total cholesterol by 7%. The other two diets fared lower. This shows that more almond in the diet means lower LDL bad cholesterol level.
heart and liver receive benefit from almond…
A meta analysis of seven clinical studies showed that eating an ounce of almonds daily resulted in lower LDL cholesterol level by 5% and total level of cholesterol by 4% from starting point. This reduces the risk of heart attack.The triglycerides produced by the liver and which impact on heart disease came out normal also. Almonds were lumped with oats and soy in a high class of healthy foods.
Almond oil that is derived from almond has similar effects. A study shows that switching almond oil for fat in the diet lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases good cholesterol (HDL). The amount of daily fat intake switched was 50% for a period of 6 weeks. The reduction in LDL was 6%, decrease in total cholesterol was 4%, and increase in HDL was 6%.
A study was made of 28 hypercholesterolemic men and women who were fed a low cholesterol, low saturated fat, high fiber diet with added servings of almond oil and almond kernels. The almonds jacked up fat intake to 28% up to 37% of daily calories which remained unchanged. The study showed that mean serum total cholesterol decreased by 20mg/dl within three weeks and was sustained up to six weeks. The reduction was the same for the LDL cholesterol. The HDL kind was unchanged.
Conclusion points that almonds can be part of cholesterol lowering diets even though it will increase the part of fat in total calories. Another conclusion is that almonds can be switched for high saturated fat foods in the diet without gaining
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