Saturday, September 19, 2009

Abba Krishna Update: Juan Manuel Marquez Flubs Routine Urine Test Before Fight By Going Berserk In Lab And Drinking Up All The Samples

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Juan nearly grew stiff from the whole range of anabolics, steroids, uppers and downers found in the urine specimens but what did him in was the dose from David Spade which bore traces of Viagra laced with pheromone from Eddie Van Halen for finger versatility.

In the order of discharges, the top three for potency of recyclable proteins and nutrients are necessarily menstruation, feces, and urine on third spot. Juan Manuel Marquez better not realize this lest he decide to switch hoses at midstream. Get it. Yuk yuk.

The Nevada boxing commission is bent on checking provisions in Marquez corner during the fight. They want to make sure that the liquid poured on top of his head is really water including the drink he takes during the breaks. This is to make sure Marquez doesn’t inflate to genie size and grow green like the Incredible Hulk after a gulp or two from the bottle. Corner men are persuaded to wear gas masks as a precaution.

Rumors are rife that the protagonists in the upcoming boxing event have bonded too closely behind the scenes are now actually drinking buddies. Floyd Mayweather Jr. had been observed engaging in drinking sprees with Juan Manuel in the bar at nearby Trump’s Casino with no less than the Donald himself playing genial host. The drinkathon lasts till the wee hours of the morning making experts wonder about the toll on their training regimens. Curious thing the waiters noted is that the trio order only one round of drinks in the beginning but never seem to run out in the next four or five hours with their glasses seeming to be full to the brim consistently. They only ask for replenishment of the ice and seem to be fiddling a lot under their table. Another curious thing the waiters noted is that they never get up to go to the john as most revelers do in the middle of marathon toss ups.

Game fixing could rear its ugly head for the forthcoming tiff because according to Freudian experts drinking each other’s bodily fluids inevitably develop attachment and affection for one another. Boxing is aggression and should really be a give and take of punches not bodily secretions.

Floyd Mayweather Sr. has been under a cloud of suspicion lately for being unusually bouncy and sprightly for his advanced years after getting close to Juan Manuel’s coterie. There is strong suspicion that the elder Mayweather himself has joined the secret cabal of extremists who derive sustenance from extremities and promote a sinister form of water conservation under the aegis of G R E E N P I S S.

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O’ Most Holy Almighty God The Father In Heaven

The Abba Krishna

I Love You

Hare Krishna, Hare Rama, Abba Krishna

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

To Lend Resolve To A Petition To The Abba Krishna To Strengthen Juan Manuel Marquez In His Stance As A Staunch Fighter Who Doesn’t Take Any Shit_ _ _

But only urine from his own distillery.

Strictly no sharing, cross-feeding, or trespassing on private property allowed.

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He’s like a walking Fountain of Trevi because what he spouts gets sucked back in again in repeated cycles.

Three Coins in the Fountain

His bladder is complaining about too many reruns.

His wife complains that the stench in their bedroom is worse than a subway in Upper Manhattan.

Urine OFF Odor & Stain Remover Wipes - 35 X Large Wipes

His dentist reminded him that he’s no urologist who can treat uric acid residues that lodge in his cavities plus his mouth smells like a water closet.

His yellow teeth are not from nicotine or plaque but piss stains.

He talks dirty all the time literally speaking.

He needs toothpaste laced with Lysol.

He takes urine cleaners instead of breath mints.

His fave cuisine is British because he’s taken a liking for kidney pies washed down with you know what.

Fellatio is nothing sexual for him but only a thirst quencher.

Public toilets give him a parched throat and the stench whets his hankering for a drink.

That refreshing feeling is an urge to take a leak and gulp it down.

When he soils his jocks because of a mishap or incontinence he squeezes them into a tight knot for every precious droplet.

He can survive easy on the LA freeway to be stuck in traffic for hours without a rest stop.

If Floyd Mayweather Jr. knocks him out cold, just douse him with a bucket from the mobile johns in the parking lot of the stadium.

Should he need confinement just leave him at the rest room and he can grow back his strength in no time from the vitamins that abound all around.

A traffic cop once stopped him for driving without a head.

He bobbed back to the surface from his jackknife to his crotch and tried to explain that he was checking for a rip in the seat of his pants.

“But why is your fly open?” The officer queried him.

“It popped out through the tear.” Juan was quick to offer an alibi.

“But where are your briefs?” The policeman pressed him.

“I forgot to put one on in my rush to get out.” Juan insisted.

“But why is your mouth dripping? That smells like urine.” The patrolman frowned.

“I’ve been trapped in traffic for hours and my dam was ready to burst.” Juan tried to explain. “I accidentally squirted my face when I bent down to cut my toenails.”

“An unlikely story.” The watchful lawman was not easily fooled. “You were in fact so desperate to take a leak in the middle of traffic that you pissed through the open window and hosed your face accidentally with the torrent.” The policeman concluded and proceeded to write Juan a ticket for DWUI.

“DWUI?” Juan was aghast when he saw the citation. “There’s not a drop of liquor in my car go ahead and search it. C’mon smell my breath.” Juan intoned furiously.

“No thanks buddy.” The cop cringed.

“I wrote you a DWUI for driving while urinating under the influence.” The cop said.

“Under the influence of what!” Juan challenged him.

“Congressman Joe Wilson.” Was the curt answer he got.

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O’ Most Holy Almighty God The Father In Heaven

The Abba Krishna

I Love You

Hare Krishna, Hare Rama, Abba Krishna

Please bless the no man’s land that serves as a wall to divide the borders of the United States with Mexico to crumble to the ground like the Berlin wall.

Please enlighten the good and kind people of America to take heart in the example of Europe that prospered in gigantic strides when East and West were unified with the collapse of the Berlin wall that divided Germany.

Please open the eyes of North America that Mexico can be the watershed that will inundate with life the drought that has plagued its industrial and manufacturing centers because of the severe lack of human resources willing to work at competitive levels in line with the globalization now in full swing.

Please bless North America to weld with Mexico in a mutually beneficial union that can compete with the merging of the technology of Japan with the immense manpower capability of China and the fusion of India with parts of industrialized Europe.

Please enlighten the whole world that only a one world unity can usher the unequalled advances and discoveries that will come with the new technological millennium that is dawning in our lives.

O’ Most Holy Almighty God The Father In Heaven

The Abba Krishna

I Love You

Hare Krishna, Hare Rama, Abba Krishna

Please unify all faiths in the internet under your generic umbrella.




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Sunday, September 13, 2009

To Implore Abba Krishna To Hide The Fact From Juan Manuel Marquez That There Are Actually More Protein And Nutrients To Recycle From Poop Than Urine

Cigarrest to Stop Smoking in 7 Days


“TWOILET “the movie about a vampire who sucks urine below the belt is expected to break box office records in the wake of the success of groundbreaking “TWILIGHT” for vampire genre films.

Joe Louis achieved hall of fame honors as the “BROWN BOMBER”. Juan Manuel could go down in boxing history as the “STINKBOMBER” if he doesn’t rinse his mouth thoroughly after a pee cocktail before a fight.

Joe Louis

Joe Louis, the Brown Bomber





Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Because Abba Krishna Intended Lungs For Breathing

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That’s easy to say. Well, we have to concede that some genders misappropriate the use of the anus to reverse the flow of the action. Then again all genders are guilty of using the mouth and tongue for something else than eating during heated physical encounters. The physiological functions can vest mandates on various organs but they can’t necessarily restrict their versatility to engage in other pastimes like erotica.

The nose for example could be used for poking and scrubbing other than smelling. The toes could be excellent ticklers with an extended reach at the tip of pivotal legs. Even the hair can deliver friction to sensitive areas to heighten interdiction on wider areas of operation. Search and enjoy using Special Forces behind, below, above, and beyond enemy lines could bring innovation to make love not warfare.

What’s so shocking in this new permissive age? Juan Marquez just declared on Yahoo News that he drank his own urine before a fight to recycle protein he just pissed. Well, let’s all hope that he used a glass or a cup and didn’t stretch down too far forward to twist his spinal column to get it direct from the source. Giving your own a blow job is something too extreme for my taste if you ask me. I may be the biggest pervert in the world but there are just some things I won’t bend down so low for. Get it, he he, pun for fun intended.

Hope Floyd Mayweather Jr. realizes what kind of monster he is up against. He might need a double layer of underwear for this one. Talk about hitting below belt, for goodness sakes. Floyd better be warned to stay on high alert in the clinches lest Juan Miguel tries some funny stuff like hiss like a rattlesnake and slither down to his crotch. In such an event, Floyd should break away quickly and run to the neutral corner to shake off the yucky shivers. .

I used to smoke two packs of Marlboro a day until I quit cold turkey and never slid back. The pediatrician advised me that my smoking habit could impair my firstborn baby’s health in the secluded confines of the family quarters. That was logical but most of all it was out of concern for the welfare of a beloved infant, my eldest, Ramon Dolor Leveriza, so I quit without hesitation or misgiving.

All the logic in the world cannot compel you to give up cigarettes principally because there are multifold arguments that fly and once exhausted, emotional ramifications ensue bordering on nonchalance, devil may care, false bravado, and resignation that nobody lives forever. The inspiration should come from love and caring for others. That is the brunt of the message of the Abba Krishna to mankind over the centuries. We should pick up from reasoning with our brains and move to a one world unity by being our brother’s keeper. Love is the force added to the power of the brain and the drive of human nature to reach excellence as one human genus made in the image and likeness of the Abba Krishna Father God Creator.

O’ Most Holy Almighty God The Father In Heaven

The Abba Krishna

I love You

Hare Krishna, Hare Rama, Abba Krishna