Tuesday, December 11, 2007


What is the hardest job in the world? Try praying all day like the monks and nuns do. What you'll surely get is a splitting headache, followed by migraine, and capped by ringing in the inner ear called tinnitus. Trust the alternative and homeopathic formulas of Selmedica to aid you under such trying circumstances.

Can you imagine what it feels to be on the receiving end of that endless prattle? Why,you would be inclined to grant their supplications just to make them stop. That's the power of prayer. So pray.

Pray with all your might and endlessly. After all it's free. Almighty God is the only Entity Who doesn't ask for money. For all your persistence, He might just relent and see things your way and grant you that Ferrari.

Spam the Lord. Pray and don't give Him a moment's rest. Fill His Inbox with your salesletters.

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