Sunday, December 16, 2007


Dear Myra:

It's people like you with valuable messages who get forwarded and inevitably help our country move an inch forward everyday.As more Filipinos become like you then the shift in the paradigm would be complete.

Yup, my brother, Dennis, passed it on to me. He probably thought I get bugged by misbehaving MMDA traffic enforcers. He is of that frame of mind because his driver encounters daily mulcting attempts by erring MMDA personnel. I don't want to repeat myself about their inclinations. Spare me also from having to comment about the readiness of the victims to bribe their way out of such fixes. Suffice it to say that I have been driving too long not to know where those motorist traps are where the vultures wait for their prey.

You know I've seen a lot of MMDA traffic people who don't leave their posts even under heavy rain. They wear worn out uniforms and look like they have not eaten a proper breakfast. There are those who can be as highly principled as you. They wage the battle for ideals out in the streets under the harsh elements while you do it from the aircon comfort of your late model sedan. Together we will move this country forward inch by inch, day in and day out, even if we have to drag it by the seat of its pants.

And may heaven help us all.


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