Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Splitting With Headaches

What is the hardest job in the world? Try praying all day, without fail day in and day out. The monks and the nuns do it all the time. What you get is a splitting headache. Pretty soon ringing in the inner ear called tinnitus follows suit capped by a pervading migraine.

You will need Selmedica to rescue you. Just make sure you stay away from the Candisil, it's for that part opposite your head.

Can you imagine what it feels like to be on the receiving end of that endless prattle? Just to make them stop you would be inclined to grant what they pray for.That for you is the power of prayer. So pray. Pray persistently like there is no tomorrow. Maybe what you pray for might just be granted. Maybe you are like one mean migraining locomotive and the only way to stop your babble is to grant your wish.

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