Thursday, May 1, 2008

Beer Bellies of Worm Infested Teetotalers

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Jose R. Leveriza Writes On An Health Issue
Stomach Upset By Parasites

Do you sometimes wonder why you feel fatigued all the time? It’s more surprising when after a long stretch of napping you feel the same sluggishness as you woke. The other thing you have to watch out for is feeling hungry all the time. It’s unusual that one or two hours after taking a full meal you suddenly feel hunger pangs shortly thereafter.

A lot of times you feel itchiness deep inside your rectum. This is accompanied by a twitching as if something is moving down there. Could it be an alien being trying to get to get out? Could it be an anaconda trying to slither to the open from your hole? No sir, it usually is infinitesimally smaller than such. Alien? Definitely, it may not be from outer space but it still is a trespasser that doesn’t belong to your abdomen at all.

Could it be a bird? Could it be a plane? No it’s the lowly parasite in your colon.

There are three types of worms that infest your colon as parasites. The biggest and the most repulsive is the round worm. It can grow to 14 inches and if they decide to build a settlement in your stomach it will look like you have a beer belly even though you don’t touch the stuff. It could get quite uncomfortable too and lead to unexplained weight loss.

You get round worms from eating improperly cooked meats or by cuddling dogs and cats which are infested with the parasites. You better be ready to accept colonics which is the science to flush out and clean your insides if you have a tendency to be affectionate with pets in a physical manner. Otherwise such profuse endearments with four legged furry creatures could be an avenue for the transfer of the round worms to your colonic labyrinths.

The infestation of worms can cause constipation which plagues the whole country.At six o’clock in the morning a big cross section of Americans collectively sit on some toilet bowl and sound off with oomph’s and ahs in unison like a cheering gallery. To no avail, mind you, because the big weenie just refuses to plop down. Only a proper colon cleanse using a natural herbal product with detoxification properties can do the trick.

Wouldn’t it be great if after a thorough colon cleansing you could feel light inside? This after all the muck from your entrails is disgorged including squiggling worms of the tapeworm and pinworm varieties. Don’t worry that they will try to climb out of the bowl because the colon detox would have made them groggy and ready to expire.The best colon cleansing is the super colon cleanse using a natural based product which obliterates worms like you nuked them.

Tapeworms are picked up from improperly cooked beef, pork, and fish while pinworms are passed on by children from their infected clothing, toys, or dirty hands. That’s why it’s always a form of superficial body detoxification to train young children to repeatedly wash their hands at every opportunity especially before touching food bound to fill their mouths.

A colon detoxification can be beneficial to the liver. It actually serves as the equivalent of liver detoxification by effectively ridding it of toxins. Once the debris in the stomach would have been flushed out by the super colon cleanse, the same natural based product in effect liberates the liver with cathartic sweeping thoroughness.

The liver is thus able to function without the encumbrance of creepy slithery worms clinging like creeping vines upon its walls. No holes will be bored by pinworms over the surface of the intestine to make the place look like the pockmarked face of the moon.

It is a safe culinary practice to singe your meat crusty brown. This way no leeway is allowed for stragglers of the wormy kind to hide within its folds like shifty Greeks of old and later come out stealthily in your stomach to waylay it.

It should be noticed that tapeworms could possibly inhabit raw fish. Japanese food fanciers who enjoy sashimi or sushi could be at risk. If you love Japanese food served raw then you should be ready to embrace colonics to protect your way of life. Nothing would be more convenient than to swallow a whole colony of worms with the fresh morsels of fish dipped in Kikkoman during dinner then run to the nearest toilet to fart them all out in one giant explosion using the best colon cleansing natural based product in the market.


Health Plus Super Colon Cleanse, 120 Capsules

Health Plus Super Colon Cleanse, 120 Capsules

Get more info on Worm Dr. - a natural herbal remedy that will help maintain digestive health and keep the system free of intestinal worms in children and adults.

Worm Dr. Benefits:
• Assist the body’s natural ability to remain free of intestinal worms
• Support the immune system
• Promote healthy digestive functioning
• Support the optimal absorption of nutrients
• Promote natural balance of intestinal flora to keep the digestive system parasite free

Deva Nutrition Vegan Colon Cleanse, 100 Vegan Capsules

Deva Nutrition Vegan Colon Cleanse, 100 Vegan Capsules

Deva Nutrition Vegan Colon Cleanse, 100 Vegan Capsules

Natural Blend Of Organic Or Wild Crafted Herbs For Colon Cleansing!

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