Wednesday, May 14, 2008

pheromone, pherone, pure moan, or just too lazy to look it up in wikipedia

Cigarrest to Stop Smoking in 7 Days!

Jose Roxas Leveriza tries to crack you up tastelessly

I am intrigued by human hormones mixed with colognes to attract the opposite sex. I wanted to look up the real meaning of pheromone but the craziness of the idea got the better of me and descended to insane hilarity.

Could it be that such human hormones come from ejaculations? Can we picture a whole assembly line of workers purging their stuff into a long line of bottled cologne atop a conveyor belt?

Or wouldn’t it be better served fresh by your favorite druggist over the counter?

“Err, how can I help you Ma’m?”

“Yes, I’d like to buy a bottle of pheromone scent please”

“No problem, Ma’m, just pick your favorite cologne from the shelf and bring it right over”

Druggist receives the bottle from the customer turns his back momentarily and with heaving shoulders lets out a guttural “ aaaarrrrrggghhhh!”

Wiping the sweat from his brow and with a flustered face, the worked up druggist shakily hands over the bottle to the wide eyed customer.

“Here you go Ma’m, pheromone served fresh as the day it was squeezed.”

Customer walks away with unsure steps after paying for the purchase.

“Whew”, the druggist mumbled to himself, “no wonder the wanted druggist ad said hands on is a plus”


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