Wednesday, February 20, 2008


A bully boy in our corner store throws his weight around. He gets the shaded parking spot all the time with nary a challenge. We give him lots of space and let him have his way. Nobody would want to tangle with him. I could exist comfortably enough without that prospect.

In school the tough guys got to sit at the last row at the rear of the school bus. In the pecking order they got first crack at every good thing. I've not known any other life. That's just the way life is. We just fall in line behind such given facts of life and toe it accordingly.

If you were a cowboy back in the old new frontier, and you had a loadful of guns like double barelled shotguns, repeating Winchesters, Colt 45's, and all the ammo you'd ever need. Suppose the wife was bitching cause the baby was crying due it's way past her milk feeding, and the cows were falling over from dehydration and hunger, and you came upon this watering hole. An Indian medicine man comes up to you and says you can't use it cause it's reserved for the spirits of his tribe's ancestors. You will not be inclined to give him a seminar on PR and sharing and hope for a paradigm shift in the near future. You'd very well blast him to kingdom come right there and then.

So when somebody wide eyed comes up to me and says he was shocked to see this tell all expose movie that the Iraq war was all about oil. I say ho hum, what else is new in the world. Maybe he needs the paradigm shift. But there's a whole plethora of throbbing engines and a galloping world wide industry that gotta be assured of the continous supply of fuel. It's the powerful who gets the first crack. That's just the way life is on this planet.

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