Friday, March 14, 2008


I was not able to build a house for my wife, Mona. I blew a million each to send three children to ivy league schools.Now the two elder ones earn half that annually. The third is due to graduate in college in a year. After his graduation and with the children's help, I will launch on a project to build a nest for my wife and take her on a vacation, maybe to Europe at best, or just Hongkong, at least.

15 years ago if I told my family at the dinner table that I just lost my job, there would a lot of hair pulling and anxiety about where the next meal would come from. Now that I am the lowest paid member, I dropped the bombshell at the same dinner table and one looked up from reading the newspaper and frowned, " Dad you have to learn how to behave yourself, you are getting old ". End of story.

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